Mediation, facilitation and training services: $300/hour or $2000 /day
Planning sessions and intake (after contracting): $300/hour
Mediations involving a high number of entities: $400/hour or $2500/day
Intake and pre-mediation (after contracting): $300/hour
Mediation, facilitation, and training may be held online or at a neutral location or at one of the parties' offices or work sites.

Arbitration services:
Pre-hearing conferences (after contracting): $300.00/hour
Hearings: $300/hour or $2000/day
$300/hour up to $2000/day for Arbitration Study and Award
Cancellation fewer than 14 days before scheduled hearing date: $1500
Cancellation 14 or more days before scheduled hearing date: $1000
Arbitration hearings may be held online or at an agreed upon neutral location or by agreement at one of the parties’ offices or work sites.
Mediation, facilitation and training clients are responsible for transportation or mileage, lodging, and meal expenses, as well as any exhibits or materials used in any mediation, facilitation, and/or training sessions.
Arbitration clients are responsible for mileage, lodging, necessary transportation, exhibits, witness fees, and the cost of any official hearing record. Specific witness testimony may be held online or by telephone to address weather, travel, Pandemic, or other barriers.
Arbitration clients will be assessed costs for cancellation of airfare, lodging or other transportation. Parties wishing to reschedule a hearing will be assessed the cost of canceled or rescheduled airfare, lodging and rental car as incurred by the arbitrator.
Postponements by mutual request to a date certain will be automatically granted. Unilateral requests for postponement must demonstrate a compelling reason. Parties are limited to two postponements for compelling reasons.